Spectral Synthesis with the Formal Integral Method

In addition to generating the final Monte Carlo spectrum from the population of Monte Carlo packets and the implemented variant of the “peeling-off” technique (see Spectrum Generation with Virtual Packets), TARDIS supports spectral synthesis with so-called formal integral method by [Lucy99b] (see a detailed description of the method at Direct integration of the radiation field)

Using the Formal Integral Method

The formal integral spectral synthesis mode is activated by setting the

method: integrated

configuration option in the spectrum block of the yml file.

Note that the integrated spectrum (simulation.runner.spectrum_integrated) is a lazy property so it will be only generated (and then cached) once it is accessed. The spectrum integration routine is Open-MP parallelized, so this process may be significantly sped-up if TARDIS is built with the --with-openmp option and more then one thread is used. More instructions on how to enable parallelisation of the code is given in the Parallel Execution with Numba section.