Direct integration of the radiation field

[Lucy99b] describes an alternative method for the generation of synthetic supernova spectra. Instead of using the frequency and energy of virtual Monte Carlo (MC) packets to create a spectrum through binning, one can formally integrate the line source functions which can be calculated from volume-based estimators collected during the MC simulation. Spectra generated using this method are virtually noise-free. However, statistical fluctuations inherent to Monte Carlo calculations still affect the determination of the source functions and thus indirectly introduce an uncertainty in the spectral synthesis process.


The current implementation of the formal integral has several limitations. Please consult the corresponding section below to ensure that these limitations do not apply to your application.


The procedure relies on determining line absorption rates, which are calculated during the Monte Carlo simulation by incrementing the volume-based estimator

\[\dot E_{lu} = \frac{1}{\Delta t V} \left( 1- e^{-\tau_{lu}}\right) \sum \epsilon\]

Here, the sum involves all packages in a given shell that come into resonance with the transition \(u \rightarrow l\), \(\epsilon\) denotes the energy of one such packet, and \(\tau_{lu}\) the Sobolev optical depth of the line transition.

After the Monte Carlo radiative transfer step, a level absorption estimator is calculated by summing up all absorption rates for transitions which lead to the target level

\[\dot E_u = \sum_{i < u} \dot E_{iu}\]

Finally, the line source function for each transition can be derived with

\[\left( 1- e^{-\tau_{lu}}\right) S_{ul} = \frac{\lambda_{ul} t}{4 \pi} q_{ul} \dot E_u\]

Here, \(\lambda_{ul}\) is the wavelength of the line \(u \rightarrow l\), and \(q_{ul}\) is the corresponding branching ratio, i.e. the fraction of de-excitations of level \(u\) proceeding via the transition \(u\rightarrow l\). For convenience, the attenuating factor is kept on the left-hand side because it is the product of the two that will appear in later formulae.

Finally, if the contribution by electron-scattering has to be taken into account, estimators for the diffuse radiation field in the blue and red wings of the different transitions are needed. These can again be determined with volume-based estimators according to

\[J_{lu}^b = \frac{\lambda_{lu}}{4 \pi \Delta t V} \sum \varepsilon\]


\[J_{lu}^r = J_{lu}^b e^{-\tau_{lu}} + S_{ul} (1 + e^{-\tau_{lu}})\]


Calculating the emergent spectrum proceeds by casting rays parallel to the line of sight to the observer through the ejecta. The distance along these rays will be measured by \(z\) and the offset to ejecta centre by the impact parameter \(p\). The following figure illustrates this “impact geometry”:

The emergent monochromatic luminosity can then be obtained by integrating over the limiting specific intensities of these rays

\[L_\nu = 8 \pi^2 \int_0^\infty I_\nu (p) p dp\]

To obtain the limiting intensity, we have to consider the different line resonances along the ray and calculate how much radiation is added and removed. At the resonance point with the \(k\)-th line transition, the intensity increment is

\[I_k^r = I_k^b e^{-\tau_k} + \left( 1- e^{-\tau_k}\right) S_{k}\]

In the absence of continuum interactions, the relation

\[I_{k+1}^b = I_k^r\]

establishes the connection to the next resonance point. If electron-scattering is taken into account its contribution between successive resonances has to be considered

\[I_{k+1}^b = I_k^r + \Delta \tau_k \left[ \frac 1 2(J_k^r + J_{k+1}^b) - I_k^r \right]\]

Thus, by recursively applying the above relations for all resonances occurring on the ray, the limiting specific intensity for the final integration can be calculated. The boundary conditions for this process are either \(I_0^r = B_\nu(T)\) if the ray intersects the photosphere or \(I_0^r = 0\) otherwise.

Implementation Details

We seek to integrate all emissions at a certain wavelength \(\nu\) along a ray with impact parameter \(p\). Because the supernova ejecta is expanding homologously, the co-moving frame frequency is continuously shifted to longer wavelengths due to the relativistic Doppler effect as the packet/photon propagates.

To find out which lines can shift into the target frequency, we need to calculate the maximum Doppler shift along a given ray. At any point, the Doppler effect in our coordinates is

\[\nu = \nu_0 \left( 1 + \beta \mu \right)\]

where \(\beta = \frac v c\), and \(\mu = \cos \theta\). Here \(\theta\) is the angle between the radial direction and the ray to the observer, as shown in the figure below. Because we are in the homologous expansion regime \(v = \frac r t\). Solving for \(\nu_0\) in the above gives the relation we seek, but we require an expression for \(\mu\). Examining the figure, we see that for positive \(z\) the angle \(\theta_2\) can be related to the \(z\) coordinate of the point C by

\[\cos \theta_2 = \frac{z_c}{r} = \mu\]

and in turn \(z_c\) can be given as

\[z_c = \sqrt{r_c^2 + p_c^2}\]

where the subscripts indicate the value at point C. By symmetry, the intersection point for negative \(z\) is simply \(-z_c\).

Using the expression for \(\mu\), \(\beta\) above leads to the dependence on \(r\) cancelling, and solving for \(\nu_0\) gives

\[\nu_0 = \frac{\nu}{1 + \frac{z}{ct}}\]

For any given shell and impact parameter, we can thus find the maximum and minimum co-moving frequency that will give the specified lab frame frequency. This allows us to find the section of the line list with the transitions whose resonances have to be considered in the calculation of the limiting specific intensity.

Current Limitations

The current implementation of the formal integral has some limitations:

  • once electron scattering is included, the scheme only produces accurate results when multiple resonances occur on the rays. This is simply because otherwise the \(J^b\) and \(J^r\) do not provide an accurate representation of the diffuse radiation field at the current location on the ray. Also, \(d\tau\) can become large which can create unphysical, negative intensities.

It is always advised to check the results of the formal integration against the spectrum constructed from the emerging Monte Carlo packets.