Development Roadmap

This is a current status summary of ongoing development projects in the TARDIS collaboration. Brief summaries of the projects as well as timelines are listed below. More detailed descriptions of the projects can be found in the Github Projects or the TARDIS Enhancement Proposals (TEPS) repository under the TARDIS-SN collaboration github page.


  • Simulate Type IIP Supernovae (Fall 2020)

  • TARDIS is currently capable of simulating type Ia and stripped envelope supernovae, but Type IIP require new physics.

  • NLTE ionization and excitation treatment of Hydrogen, relativistic effects, free-free and bound-free processes have all been implemented and are being integrated into the main TARDIS branch.

  • Simulate Supernovae in the Nebular Phase (Summer 2021)

  • Currently TARDIS assumes an inner boundary approximation to the photosphere. New physics is required to handle the breakdown of the photosphere at late times. This involves a detailed treatment of the decay products of the radioactive isotopes in SN ejecta, as well as their deposition in various processes such as Compton scattering, photoabsorption and pair production.

  • Deposited energy needs to be thermalized by solving the Spencer-Fano equations, resulting in fractions of the energy going into heating, non-thermal excitation and non-thermal ionization.

  • At late times when the densities are low collisions become too infrequent to quickly de-excite metastable energy levels. Forbidden lines arising from these levels need to be included. Transitions between levels have to include ion-electron collisions.

Website and Documentation

  • Notebookify (Fall 2021)

  • TARDIS currently has detailed code and physics documentation (

  • In order to help new members join the TARDIS development team, we want to create interactive jupyter notebooks that are incorporated into the documentation to better illustrate how the code is used and show how the physics of TARDIS works.

  • Apply to Google Summer of Docs to get a dedicated, professional documentation writer.


  • Visualization (Fall 2020)

  • TARDIS is used to explore potential models for observed supernovae, and it is often difficult to find optimal parameter values.

  • We are working on an interactive Graphical User Interface for TARDIS that will allow users to visually inspect their models and obtain physical information from the TARDIS simulation easily.

  • Most of the analysis will be used via Jupyter Notebooks.

  • This is a Google Summer of Code project (see ) with time to completion aimed Fall 2020.


  • TARDIS Code Restructure (Fall 2020)

  • TARDIS needs to be more modularized to facilitate the addition of new physics modules (see ) and improve maintainability.

  • Google Summer of Code project is currently underway to restructure the model classes that TARDIS uses.

  • Cython and C code for monte carlo simulation is currently being replaced with Numba to facilitate modularity and debugging.


  • Numba (Spring 2021)

  • In the past, TARDIS has used Cython and C for performance-critical parts of the code. However, this requires significant code overhead and is difficult to maintain given that many of our developers are junior researchers who may be less familiar with C code.

  • As one of TARDIS’ key focuses is its use as an educational tool, we would like to minimize the complexity of the code so that it can be understood by a wider audience.

  • We are currently in the process of converting this Cython and C code to Numba, which we hope will allow us to maintain the performance of Cython but with code that is now exclusively written in (numba-fied) Python.

  • GPU (Spring 20201)

  • As part of our work to optimize TARDIS’ performance, we would like to explore GPUs and see if there are parts of the code which would benefit from GPU acceleration.

  • We are looking into using CUDA-accelerated Numba for this (does TARDIS use matrices a lot? CuPy might also be useful here).


  • Carsus (Fall 2020)

  • There is evidence that the choice of atomic data has a significant impact on model results. As part of Google Summer of Code a version control system for atomic data is being implemented, so that previously published results become reproducible.

  • Carsus will include readers for the biggest atomic data compilations such as CMFGEN, Chianti and Kurucz, and output the data in the Tardis format.

  • Updated properties of the atomic data will be automatically collected and ingested by Carsus. In addition, a comparison spectrum will be computed, highlighting the effects of the new atomic data.

  • Read different model data (Fall 2020)

  • Add readers for more types of initial model data.