Source code for tardis.visualization.widgets.custom_abundance

"""Class to create and display Custom Abundance Widget."""
import os
import yaml
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from astropy import units as u
from radioactivedecay import Nuclide
from radioactivedecay.utils import Z_DICT, elem_to_Z
from pathlib import Path

import tardis
from import read_uniform_abundances
from tardis.util.base import (
from import Configuration
from tardis.model import SimulationState
from import (
from import AtomData
from import validate_dict
from import load_csvy
from import (
from tardis.util.base import atomic_number2element_symbol, quantity_linspace
from import transition_colors
from tardis.visualization.widgets.util import debounce

BASE_DIR = tardis.__path__[0]

[docs]class CustomAbundanceWidgetData: """The model information and data that required in custom abundance widget. Attributes ---------- elements : list of str A list of elements or isotopes' symbols. """ def __init__(self, density_t_0, density, abundance, velocity): """Initialize CustomAbundanceWidgetData with model information. Parameters ---------- density_t_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Initial time for the density in the model. density : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity abundance : pd.DataFrame velocity : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity """ self.density_t_0 ="day") self.density ="g cm^-3") self.abundance = abundance self.velocity ="km/s") self.elements = self.get_symbols()
[docs] def get_symbols(self): """Get symbol string from atomic number and mass number.""" str_symbols = np.array( self.abundance.index.get_level_values(0).map( atomic_number2element_symbol ) ) str_mass = np.array( self.abundance.index.get_level_values(1), dtype="str" ) return np.add(str_symbols, str_mass)
[docs] @classmethod def from_csvy(cls, fpath): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data from CSVY file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str the path of CSVY file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidgetData """ csvy_model_config, csvy_model_data = load_csvy(fpath) csvy_schema_file = os.path.join( BASE_DIR, "io", "schemas", "csvy_model.yml" ) csvy_model_config = Configuration( validate_dict(csvy_model_config, schemapath=csvy_schema_file) ) if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "velocity"): velocity = quantity_linspace( csvy_model_config.velocity.start, csvy_model_config.velocity.stop, csvy_model_config.velocity.num + 1, ).cgs else: velocity_field_index = [ field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields ].index("velocity") velocity_unit = u.Unit( csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[velocity_field_index]["unit"] ) velocity = csvy_model_data["velocity"].values * velocity_unit no_of_shells = len(velocity) - 1 if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "density"): adjusted_velocity = velocity.insert(0, 0) v_middle = ( adjusted_velocity[1:] * 0.5 + adjusted_velocity[:-1] * 0.5 ) no_of_shells = len(adjusted_velocity) - 1 d_conf = csvy_model_config.density density_type = d_conf.type if density_type == "branch85_w7": density_0 = calculate_power_law_density( v_middle, d_conf.w7_v_0, d_conf.w7_rho_0, -7 ) time_0 = d_conf.w7_time_0 elif density_type == "uniform": density_0 ="g cm^-3") * np.ones(no_of_shells) time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * elif density_type == "power_law": density_0 = calculate_power_law_density( v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0, d_conf.exponent ) time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * elif density_type == "exponential": density_0 = calculate_exponential_density( v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0 ) time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized density type " f"{d_conf.type}") else: density_field_index = [ field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields ].index("density") density_unit = u.Unit( csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[density_field_index]["unit"] ) density_0 = csvy_model_data["density"].values * density_unit time_0 = csvy_model_config.model_density_time_0 if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "abundance"): abundances_section = csvy_model_config.abundance abundance, isotope_abundance = read_uniform_abundances( abundances_section, no_of_shells ) else: _, abundance, isotope_abundance = parse_csv_abundances( csvy_model_data ) abundance = abundance.loc[:, 1:] abundance.columns = np.arange(abundance.shape[1]) isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.loc[:, 1:] isotope_abundance.columns = np.arange(isotope_abundance.shape[1]) abundance = abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0) abundance = abundance[abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0] isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0) isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance[isotope_abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0] # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame abundance["mass_number"] = "" abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True) abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance]) abundance.sort_index(inplace=True) return cls( density_t_0=time_0, density=density_0, abundance=abundance, velocity=velocity, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_yml(cls, fpath, atom_data=None): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data from YAML file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str The path of YAML file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidgetData """ config = Configuration.from_yaml(fpath) if atom_data is None: atom_data = AtomData.from_hdf(config.atom_data) if hasattr(config, "csvy_model"): simulation_state = SimulationState.from_csvy( config, atom_data=atom_data ) else: simulation_state = SimulationState.from_config( config, atom_data=atom_data ) velocity = simulation_state.velocity density_t_0 = simulation_state.time_explosion density = simulation_state.density abundance = simulation_state.abundance isotopic_mass_fraction = ( simulation_state.composition.isotopic_mass_fraction ) # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame abundance["mass_number"] = "" abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True) abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotopic_mass_fraction]) abundance.sort_index(inplace=True) return cls( density_t_0=density_t_0, density=density, abundance=abundance, velocity=velocity, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf(cls, fpath): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data from HDF file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str the path of HDF file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidgetData """ with pd.HDFStore(fpath, "r") as hdf: abundance = hdf["/simulation/plasma/abundance"] _density_t_0 = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/scalars"] _density = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/density_0"] v_inner = hdf["/simulation/model/v_inner"] v_outer = hdf["/simulation/model/v_outer"] density_t_0 = float(_density_t_0) * u.s density = np.array(_density) * u.g / ( ** 3 velocity = np.append(v_inner, v_outer[len(v_outer) - 1]) * / u.s abundance["mass_number"] = "" abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True) return cls( density_t_0=density_t_0, density=density, abundance=abundance, velocity=velocity, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation(cls, sim): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance from a Simulation object. Parameters ---------- sim : Simulation Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidgetData """ abundance = sim.simulation_state.raw_abundance.copy() isotope_abundance = sim.simulation_state.raw_isotope_abundance.copy() # integrate element and isotope to one DataFrame abundance["mass_number"] = "" abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True) abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance]) abundance.sort_index(inplace=True) velocity = sim.simulation_state.velocity density_t_0 = sim.simulation_state.time_explosion density = sim.simulation_state.density return cls( density_t_0=density_t_0, density=density, abundance=abundance, velocity=velocity, )
[docs]class CustomYAML(yaml.YAMLObject): """A custom YAML object generated by required properties.""" def __init__( self, name, d_time_0, i_time_0, v_inner_boundary, v_outer_boundary ): """Initialize CustomYAML object with given properties. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the YAML file. d_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Initial time for the density in the model. i_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Initial time for isotope decay. Set to 0 for no isotopes. v_inner_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Velocity of the inner boundary. v_outer_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Velocity of the outer boundary. """ = name self.model_density_time_0 = d_time_0 self.model_isotope_time_0 = i_time_0 self.tardis_model_config_version = "v1.0" self.datatype = {} self.datatype["fields"] = [] self.v_inner_boundary = v_inner_boundary self.v_outer_boundary = v_outer_boundary
[docs] def create_fields_dict(self, elements): """Create a dictionary to store the items in 'fields' part. Parameters ---------- elements : list of str A list of elements or isotopes' symbols. """ for i in range(len(elements) + 2): field = {} if i == 0: field["name"] = "velocity" field["unit"] = "km/s" elif i == 1: field["name"] = "density" field["unit"] = "g/cm^3" else: field["name"] = elements[i - 2] field["desc"] = f"fractional {elements[i-2]} abundance" self.datatype["fields"].append(field)
[docs]class CustomAbundanceWidget: """Widget to edit abundances and densities of simulation model graphically. It generates a GUI based on input data. The GUI has a plot section to visualize the profile, an edit section to allow the user directly edit abundance and density profile, and an output section to output the model to CSVY file. Attributes ---------- shell_no : int The selected shell number. no_of_shells : int The number of shells in the model. no_of_elements : int The number of elements in the model. checked_list : list of bool A list of bool to record whether the checkbox is checked. The index of the bool corresponds to the index of checkbox. fig : plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget The figure object of abundance density plot. plot_cmap : str, default: "jet", optional String defines the colormap used in abundance density plot. _trigger : bool If False, disable the callback when abundance input is changed. """ error_view = ipw.Output() def __init__(self, widget_data): """Initialize CustomAbundanceWidget with data and generate the widgets and plot. Parameters ---------- widget_data : CustomAbundanceWidgetData """ = widget_data self.fig = go.FigureWidget() self._trigger = True self.create_widgets() self.generate_abundance_density_plot() self.density_editor = DensityEditor(, self.fig, self.dpd_shell_no, ) @property def shell_no(self): return self.dpd_shell_no.value @shell_no.setter def shell_no(self, value): self.dpd_shell_no.value = value @property def no_of_shells(self): return[1] @property def no_of_elements(self): return[0] @property def checked_list(self): # A boolean list to store the value of checkboxes. _checked_list = [] for check in self.checks: _checked_list.append(check.value) return _checked_list
[docs] def create_widgets(self): """Create widget components in GUI and register callbacks for widgets.""" self.dpd_shell_no = ipw.Dropdown( options=list(range(1, self.no_of_shells + 1)), description="Shell No. ", value=1, layout=ipw.Layout(width="160px"), ) self.dpd_shell_no.observe(self.dpd_shell_no_eventhandler, "value") self.btn_prev = ipw.Button( icon="chevron-left", disabled=True, layout=ipw.Layout(width="30px", height="30px"), ) self.btn_prev.on_click(self.on_btn_prev) self.btn_next = ipw.Button( icon="chevron-right", layout=ipw.Layout(width="30px", height="30px") ) self.btn_next.on_click(self.on_btn_next) self.checks = [ ipw.Checkbox( indent=False, icon="lock", layout=ipw.Layout( width="30px", ), ) for element in ] self.input_items = [ ipw.BoundedFloatText(min=0, max=1, step=0.01, description=element) for element in ] for i in range(self.no_of_elements): self.input_items[i].observe(self.input_item_eventhandler, "value") self.input_items[i].index = i self.checks[i].observe(self.check_eventhandler, "value") self.checks[i].index = i self.btn_norm = ipw.Button( description="Normalize", icon="cog", layout=ipw.Layout(width="100px", margin="0 0 0 50px"), ) self.btn_norm.on_click(self.on_btn_norm) self.norm_warning = ipw.Valid( value=False, readout="Unnormalized", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout(visibility="hidden"), ) self.symb_warning = ipw.Valid( value=False, layout=ipw.Layout(visibility="hidden") ) self.input_symb = ipw.Text( description="Element: ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, placeholder="symbol", layout=ipw.Layout(width="125px"), ) self.input_symb.observe(self.input_symb_eventhandler, "value") self.btn_add_element = ipw.Button( icon="plus-square", description="Add", disabled=True, layout=ipw.Layout(width="60px"), ) self.btn_add_element.on_click(self.on_btn_add_element) self.irs_shell_range = ipw.IntRangeSlider( min=1, max=self.no_of_shells, step=1, description="Shell No. ", disabled=True, style={"description_width": "initial"}, continuous_update=False, layout=ipw.Layout(margin="5px 0 0 0"), ) self.irs_shell_range.observe(self.irs_shell_range_eventhandler, "value") self.btn_add_shell = ipw.Button( icon="plus-square", description="Add", disabled=True, layout=ipw.Layout( width="80px", ), ) self.btn_add_shell.on_click(self.on_btn_add_shell) self.input_v_start = ipw.FloatText( min=0, description="Add shell(s) with velocity range (km/s): ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout( width="320px", ), ) self.input_v_end = ipw.FloatText( min=0, description="to", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout(width="110px"), ) self.input_v_start.observe(self.input_v_eventhandler, "value") self.input_v_end.observe(self.input_v_eventhandler, "value") self.overwrite_warning = ipw.HTML( value="<font color=darkred><b>Warning:</b></font> Existing shell(s) will be overwritten!", layout=ipw.Layout(visibility="hidden", margin="0 0 0 10px"), ) self.btn_output = ipw.Button( description="Output CSVY File", ) self.btn_output.on_click(self.on_btn_output) self.input_path = ipw.Text( description="File path: ", placeholder="Input file name or path" ) self.input_i_time_0 = ipw.FloatText( description="Isotope time_0 (day): ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) self.ckb_overwrite = ipw.Checkbox( description="overwrite", indent=False, ) self.tbs_scale = ipw.ToggleButtons( options=["Linear", "Log"], description="Scale of yaxes: ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, value="Linear", ) self.tbs_scale.observe(self.tbs_scale_eventhandler, "value") self.rbs_single_apply = ipw.RadioButtons( options=["Only selected shell"], layout=ipw.Layout(margin="10px 0 0 0"), ) self.rbs_single_apply.observe( self.rbs_single_apply_eventhandler, "value" ) self.rbs_multi_apply = ipw.RadioButtons( options=["A range of shells: "], index=None, layout=ipw.Layout(width="130px", margin="10px 0 10px 0"), ) self.rbs_multi_apply.observe(self.rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler, "value")
[docs] def update_input_item_value(self, index, value): """Update the value of the widget in the list of abundance inputs. Keep two decimal places for displayed value and disable `input_item_eventhandler` while changing the value. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs. value : float New abundance value. """ self._trigger = False # `input_items` is the list of abundance input widgets. self.input_items[index].value = float("{:.2e}".format(value)) self._trigger = True
[docs] def read_abundance(self): """Read abundances data in DataFrame to input items box when shell No. changes. """ for i in range(self.no_of_elements): value =[i, self.shell_no - 1] self.update_input_item_value(i, value)
[docs] def bound_locked_sum_to_1(self, index): """Ensure the sum of locked abundances is no more than 1. If the locked sum is more than 1, calculate the maximum with the sum no more than 1 and return it. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs. """ locked_mask = np.array(self.checked_list) back_value =[ index, self.shell_no - 1 ] # abundance value in back end (DataFrame) front_value = self.input_items[ index ].value # abundance value in front end (widget) locked_sum = ([locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1].sum() - back_value + front_value ) if locked_sum > 1: new = 1 - (locked_sum - front_value)[index, self.shell_no - 1] = new self.update_input_item_value(index, new) self.update_abundance_plot(index)
[docs] def update_abundance_plot(self, index): """Update the abundance line of certain element in the plot. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs. """ y =[index][index + 2].y = np.append(y, y.iloc[-1])
[docs] def update_front_end(self): """Update checkbox widgets, input widgets and plot in the front end when selected shell No. is changed. """ # Update checkboxes, input boxes and plot. for check in self.checks: check.value = False self.read_abundance() self.density_editor.read_density() with self.fig.batch_update(): # Change bar diagonal x = list([0].x) width = list([0].width) x_inner =[self.shell_no - 1].value x_outer =[self.shell_no].value x[0] = (x_inner + x_outer) / 2[0].x = x width[0] = x_outer - x_inner[0].width = width
[docs] def update_bar_diagonal(self): """Update bar diagonal (and shell no dropdown) when the range of shells changed. """ if self.irs_shell_range.disabled: x = [[0].x[0]] width = [[0].width[0]] y = [1] else: self.shell_no = self.irs_shell_range.value[0] self.btn_next.disabled = True self.btn_prev.disabled = True (start_shell_no, end_shell_no) = self.irs_shell_range.value x_inner =[start_shell_no - 1].value x_outer =[end_shell_no].value x = [[0].x[0], (x_outer + x_inner) / 2] width = [[0].width[0], x_outer - x_inner] y = [1, 1] with self.fig.batch_update():[0].x = x[0].width = width[0].y = y
[docs] def update_line_color(self): """Update line color in the plot according to colormap.""" colorscale = transition_colors(self.no_of_elements, self.plot_cmap) for i in range(self.no_of_elements):[2 + i].line.color = colorscale[i]
[docs] def overwrite_existing_shells(self, v_0, v_1): """Judge whether the existing shell(s) will be overwritten when inserting a new shell within the entered velocity range. Parameters ---------- v_0 : float The velocity of inner boundary. v_1 : float The velocity of outer boundary. Returns ------- bool True if the existing shell will be overwritten, False otherwise. """ v_vals = position_0 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_0) position_1 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_1) index_0 = ( position_0 - 1 if np.isclose(v_vals[position_0 - 1], v_0) else position_0 ) index_1 = ( position_1 - 1 if np.isclose(v_vals[position_1 - 1], v_1) else position_1 ) if (index_1 - index_0 > 1) or ( index_1 - index_0 == 1 and not np.isclose(v_vals[index_0], v_0) ): return True else: return False
[docs] def on_btn_add_shell(self, obj): """Add new shell with given boundary velocities. Triggered if the button is clicked. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ v_start = self.input_v_start.value v_end = self.input_v_end.value v_vals = position_0 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_start) position_1 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_end) start_index = ( int(position_0 - 1) if np.isclose(v_vals[position_0 - 1], v_start) else int(position_0) ) end_index = ( int(position_1 - 1) if np.isclose(v_vals[position_1 - 1], v_end) else int(position_1) ) if ( end_index < self.no_of_shells and np.isclose(v_vals[start_index], v_start) and np.isclose(v_vals[end_index], v_end) and end_index - start_index == 1 ): return if start_index < self.no_of_shells and np.isclose( v_vals[start_index], v_start ): new_shell_abundances =[start_index] else: index = min(start_index - 1, self.no_of_shells - 1) new_shell_abundances =[max(index, 0)] # Delete the overwritten shell (abundances and velocities). if end_index < len(v_vals) and np.isclose(v_vals[end_index], v_end): # New shell will overwrite the original shell that ends at v_end. v_vals = np.delete(v_vals, end_index), end_index - 1), 1, inplace=True) # Insert new velocities calculate new densities according # to new velocities through interpolation. v_vals = np.insert(v_vals, [start_index, end_index], [v_start, v_end]) v_vals = np.delete(v_vals, slice(start_index + 1, end_index + 1)) = ( np.interp( v_vals,[1:].value,[1:].value, ) * ) = v_vals * # Change abundances after adding new shell. if start_index != end_index:, "", new_shell_abundances)[:, start_index : end_index - 1], 1, inplace=True, ) else: if start_index == 0:, "new", new_shell_abundances) 0, "gap", new_shell_abundances ) # Add a shell to fill the gap. else: start_index - 1, "new", new_shell_abundances ) start_index - 1, "gap", new_shell_abundances ) # Add a shell to fill the gap with original abundances = range(self.no_of_shells) # Update data and x axis in plot. with self.fig.batch_update(): self.fig.layout.xaxis.autorange = True[1].x =[1].y = np.append([1:],[-1] ) for i in range(self.no_of_elements):[i + 2].x = self.update_abundance_plot(i) self.dpd_shell_no.options = list(range(1, self.no_of_shells + 1)) self.update_bar_diagonal() self.update_front_end() self.irs_shell_range.max = self.no_of_shells self.overwrite_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden"
[docs] def tbs_scale_eventhandler(self, obj): """Switch the scale type of y axis between linear mode and log mode. Triggered if the toggle button is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ scale_mode = if scale_mode == "Linear": self.fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( type="linear", range=[0, 1], ), yaxis2=dict(type="linear"), ) else: self.fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( type="log", range=[-8, 0], ), yaxis2=dict(type="log"), )
[docs] def input_item_eventhandler(self, obj): """Update the data and the widget when it gets new abundance input. Triggered if the abundance input is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ if self._trigger: item_index = obj.owner.index is_locked = self.checks[item_index] if is_locked: self.bound_locked_sum_to_1(item_index)[ item_index, self.shell_no - 1 ] = obj.owner.value if self.rbs_multi_apply.index is None: self.update_abundance_plot(item_index) else: self.apply_to_multiple_shells(item_index) if np.isclose([:, self.shell_no - 1].sum(), 1): self.norm_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden" else: self.norm_warning.layout.visibility = "visible"
[docs] def check_eventhandler(self, obj): """Triggered if the checkbox is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ item_index = obj.owner.index if == True: self.bound_locked_sum_to_1(item_index)
[docs] def dpd_shell_no_eventhandler(self, obj): """Make the data in widgets correspond with the selected shell. Triggered if the dropdown value is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ # Disable "previous" and "next" buttons when shell no comes to boundaries. if == 1: self.btn_prev.disabled = True else: self.btn_prev.disabled = False if == self.no_of_shells: self.btn_next.disabled = True else: self.btn_next.disabled = False self.update_front_end()
[docs] def on_btn_prev(self, obj): """Move to previous shell. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ self.shell_no -= 1
[docs] def on_btn_next(self, obj): """Move to next shell. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ self.shell_no += 1
[docs] def on_btn_norm(self, obj): """Normalize unlocked abundances to 1. Triggered if the normalize button is clicked. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ locked_mask = np.array(self.checked_list) locked_sum =[ locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1 ].sum() unlocked_arr =[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1] # if abundances are all zero if unlocked_arr.sum() == 0: return[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1] = ( (1 - locked_sum) * unlocked_arr / unlocked_arr.sum() ) self.read_abundance() for i in range(self.no_of_elements): if self.rbs_multi_apply.index is None: # Only normalize selected shell self.update_abundance_plot(i) else: self.apply_to_multiple_shells(i)
@debounce(0.5) def input_symb_eventhandler(self, obj): """Judge whether the input symbol is valid. Triggered after 0.5s when the symbol input is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ element_symbol_string = if element_symbol_string == "": self.symb_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden" self.btn_add_element.disabled = True return if element_symbol_string in self.symb_warning.layout.visibility = "visible" self.btn_add_element.disabled = True self.symb_warning.readout = "Already exists!" return try: if is_valid_nuclide_or_elem(element_symbol_string): self.symb_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden" self.btn_add_element.disabled = False return except RuntimeError: pass self.symb_warning.layout.visibility = "visible" self.btn_add_element.disabled = True self.symb_warning.readout = "invalid"
[docs] def on_btn_add_element(self, obj): """Add new element and update the display in the front end. Triggered if the add button is clicked. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ element_symbol_string = self.input_symb.value.capitalize() if element_symbol_string in Z_DICT.values(): z = elem_to_Z(element_symbol_string)[(z, ""), :] = 0 else: nuc = Nuclide(element_symbol_string) mass_no = nuc.A z = nuc.Z[(z, mass_no), :] = 0 # Add new BoundedFloatText control and Checkbox control. item = ipw.BoundedFloatText(min=0, max=1, step=0.01) check = ipw.Checkbox(indent=False, layout=ipw.Layout(width="30px")) item.index = self.no_of_elements - 1 check.index = self.no_of_elements - 1 item.observe(self.input_item_eventhandler, "value") check.observe(self.check_eventhandler, "value") self.input_items.append(item) self.checks.append(check) # Keep the order of description same with atomic number = for i in range(self.no_of_elements): self.input_items[i].description =[i] self.box_editor.children = [ ipw.VBox(self.input_items), ipw.VBox(self.checks), ] with self.fig.batch_update(): # Add new trace to plot. self.fig.add_scatter(, # convert to km/s y=[0] * (self.no_of_shells + 1), mode="lines+markers", name=element_symbol_string, line=dict(shape="hv"), ) # Sort the legend in atomic order. fig_data_lst = list( fig_data_lst.insert( np.argwhere( == element_symbol_string)[0][0] + 2,[-1], ) = fig_data_lst[:-1] self.update_line_color() self.read_abundance() # Clear symbol input box. self.input_symb.value = ""
[docs] def apply_to_multiple_shells(self, item_index): """Apply the changed abundances to specified range of shell(s). Parameters ---------- item_index : int The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs. """ start_index = self.irs_shell_range.value[0] - 1 end_index = self.irs_shell_range.value[1] applied_shell_index = self.shell_no - 1[ item_index, start_index:end_index ] =[item_index, applied_shell_index] self.update_abundance_plot(item_index)
[docs] def input_v_eventhandler(self, obj): """Judge whether the input velocity range is valid. Triggered if the velocity input is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ v_start = self.input_v_start.value v_end = self.input_v_end.value if v_start >= v_end or v_start < 0 or v_end < 0: self.btn_add_shell.disabled = True return else: self.btn_add_shell.disabled = False # Whether overwrite existing shells if self.overwrite_existing_shells(v_start, v_end): self.overwrite_warning.layout.visibility = "visible" else: self.overwrite_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden"
[docs] def on_btn_output(self, obj): """Triggered if the output button is clicked. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ path = self.input_path.value overwrite = self.ckb_overwrite.value self.to_csvy(path, overwrite)
[docs] def rbs_single_apply_eventhandler(self, obj): """Switch to single shell editing mode. Triggered if the first radio button is selected. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ self.abundance_note.layout.visibility = "hidden" self.rbs_multi_apply.unobserve( self.rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler, "value" ) self.rbs_multi_apply.index = None self.rbs_multi_apply.observe(self.rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler, "value") self.dpd_shell_no.disabled = False self.btn_next.disabled = False self.btn_prev.disabled = False self.irs_shell_range.disabled = True self.update_bar_diagonal()
[docs] def rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler(self, obj): """Switch to multi-shells editing mode. Triggered if the second radio button is selected. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ self.abundance_note.layout.visibility = "visible" self.shell_no = self.irs_shell_range.value[0] self.rbs_single_apply.unobserve( self.rbs_single_apply_eventhandler, "value" ) self.rbs_single_apply.index = None self.rbs_single_apply.observe( self.rbs_single_apply_eventhandler, "value" ) # self.irs_shell_range.value = [self.shell_no, self.shell_no] self.dpd_shell_no.disabled = True self.btn_next.disabled = True self.btn_prev.disabled = True self.irs_shell_range.disabled = False self.update_bar_diagonal()
[docs] def irs_shell_range_eventhandler(self, obj): """Select the velocity range of new shell and highlight the range in the plot. Triggered if the shell range slider is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ self.update_bar_diagonal()
[docs] def generate_abundance_density_plot(self): """Generate abundance and density plot in different shells.""" title = "Abundance/Density vs Velocity" abundance = velocity = density = # Bar Diagonal self.fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=[(velocity[0].value + velocity[1].value) / 2], y=[1], width=[velocity[1].value - velocity[0].value], name="Selected shell", marker=dict( color="rgb(253,205,172)", ), hoverinfo="none", ) ) self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=velocity, y=np.append(density[1:], density[-1]), mode="lines+markers", name="<b>Density</b>", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="black", shape="hv"), marker_symbol="square", ), ) for i in range(self.no_of_elements): self.fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=velocity, y=np.append(abundance.iloc[i], abundance.iloc[i, -1]), mode="lines+markers", line=dict(shape="hv"),[i], ), ) self.fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( title="Velocity (km/s)", tickformat="f", ), yaxis=dict( title="Fractional Abundance", exponentformat="e", range=[0, 1], ), yaxis2=dict( title="Density (g/cm^3)", exponentformat="e", overlaying="y", side="right", ), height=500, title=title, hovermode="closest", legend=dict( x=1.15, ), )
[docs] def display(self, cmap="jet"): """Display the GUI. Parameters ---------- cmap : str, default: "jet", optional String defines the colormap used in abundance density plot. Returns ------- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI. """ if not is_notebook(): print("Please use a notebook to display the widget") else: # --------------Combine widget components-------------- self.box_editor = ipw.HBox( [ ipw.VBox(self.input_items), ipw.VBox( self.checks, layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 0 10px") ), ] ) box_add_shell = ipw.HBox( [ self.input_v_start, self.input_v_end, self.btn_add_shell, self.overwrite_warning, ], layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 0 50px"), ) box_head = ipw.HBox( [self.dpd_shell_no, self.btn_prev, self.btn_next, box_add_shell] ) box_add_element = ipw.HBox( [self.input_symb, self.btn_add_element, self.symb_warning], layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 0 80px"), ) help_note = ipw.HTML( value="<p style='text-indent: 40px'>* Select a checkbox " "to lock the abundance of corresponding element. </p>" "<p style='text-indent: 40px'> On clicking the 'Normalize' " "button, the locked abundance(s) will <b>not be normalized</b>." " </p>", indent=True, ) self.abundance_note = ipw.HTML( description="(The following abundances are for the innermost " "shell in selected range.)", layout=ipw.Layout(visibility="hidden"), style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) box_norm = ipw.HBox([self.btn_norm, self.norm_warning]) box_apply = ipw.VBox( [ ipw.Label(value="Apply abundance(s) to:"), self.rbs_single_apply, ipw.HBox( [ self.rbs_multi_apply, self.irs_shell_range, self.abundance_note, ] ), ], layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 15px 50px"), ) box_features = ipw.VBox([box_norm, help_note]) box_abundance = ipw.VBox( [ box_apply, ipw.HBox([self.box_editor, box_features]), box_add_element, ] ) box_density = self.density_editor.display() main_tab = ipw.Tab([box_abundance, box_density]) main_tab.set_title(0, "Edit Abundance") main_tab.set_title(1, "Edit Density") hint = ipw.HTML( value="<b><font size='3'>Save model as file: </font></b>" ) box_output = ipw.VBox( [ hint, self.input_i_time_0, ipw.HBox( [self.input_path, self.btn_output, self.ckb_overwrite] ), ] ) # Initialize the widget and plot colormap self.plot_cmap = cmap self.update_line_color() self.read_abundance() self.density_editor.read_density() return ipw.VBox( [ self.tbs_scale, self.fig, box_head, main_tab, box_output, self.error_view, ] )
[docs] @error_view.capture(clear_output=True) def to_csvy(self, path, overwrite): """Output CSVY file on the specified path. Parameters ---------- path : str Output path. overwrite : bool True if overwriting, False otherwise. """ posix_path = Path(path) posix_path = posix_path.with_suffix(".csvy") if posix_path.exists() and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError( "The file already exists. Click the 'overwrite' checkbox to overwrite it." ) else: self.write_yaml_portion(posix_path) self.write_csv_portion(posix_path)
[docs] @error_view.capture(clear_output=True) def write_yaml_portion(self, path): """Write the YAML portion of the output file. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.PosixPath """ name = d_time_0 = i_time_0 = self.input_i_time_0.value * custom_yaml = CustomYAML( name, d_time_0, i_time_0,[0],[-1], ) custom_yaml.create_fields_dict( with"w") as f: yaml_output = yaml.dump(custom_yaml, sort_keys=False) # Add YAML delimiter yaml_output_snippets = yaml_output.split("\n") yaml_output_snippets[0] = yaml_output_snippets[-1] = YAML_DELIMITER yaml_output = "\n".join(yaml_output_snippets) + "\n" f.write(yaml_output) print("Saved Successfully!")
[docs] def write_csv_portion(self, path): """Write the CSV portion of the output file. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.PosixPath """ try: data = data.columns = first_row = [0] * self.no_of_elements data.loc[-1] = first_row data.index += 1 # shifting index data.sort_index(inplace=True) formatted_v = pd.Series( lambda x: "%.3e" % x ) # Make sure velocity is within the boundary. formatted_v[0] =[0] formatted_v[-1] =[-1] density = data.insert(0, "velocity", formatted_v) data.insert(1, "density", density) data.to_csv(path, mode="a", index=False) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: data = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_csvy(cls, fpath): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidget instance with data from CSVY file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str the path of CSVY file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidget """ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_csvy(fpath) return cls(widget_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yml(cls, fpath): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidget instance with data from YAML file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str The path of YAML file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidget """ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_yml(fpath) return cls(widget_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf(cls, fpath): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidget instance with data from HDF file. Parameters ---------- fpath : str the path of HDF file. Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidget """ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_hdf(fpath) return cls(widget_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation(cls, sim): """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidget instance from a Simulation object. Parameters ---------- sim : Simulation Returns ------- CustomAbundanceWidget """ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_simulation(sim) return cls(widget_data)
[docs]class DensityEditor: """Widget to edit density profile of the model. It provides an interface to allow the user directly change the density, or calculate the density with given type and parameters. Attributes ---------- shell_no : int The selected shell number. _trigger : bool If False, disable the callback when density input is changed. """ def __init__(self, widget_data, fig, shell_no_widget): """Initialize DensityEditor with data and widget components. Parameters ---------- widget_data : CustomAbundanceWidgetData Data in the custom abundance widget. fig : plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget The figure object of density plot. shell_no_widget : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_selection.Dropdown A widget to record the selected shell number. """ = widget_data self.fig = fig self.shell_no_widget = shell_no_widget self.create_widgets() self._trigger = True @property def shell_no(self): return self.shell_no_widget.value
[docs] def create_widgets(self): """Create widget components in density editor GUI and register callbacks for widgets. """ self.input_d = ipw.FloatText( description="Density", layout=ipw.Layout( width="230px", ), ) self.input_d.observe(self.input_d_eventhandler, "value") self.input_d_time_0 = ipw.FloatText(, description="Density time_0 (day): ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 20px 0"), ) self.input_d_time_0.observe(self.input_d_time_0_eventhandler, "value") self.input_d_time_0 = ipw.FloatText(, description="Density time_0 (day): ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 20px 0"), ) self.input_d_time_0.observe(self.input_d_time_0_eventhandler, "value") self.dpd_dtype = ipw.Dropdown( options=["-", "uniform", "exponential", "power_law"], description="Density type: ", style={"description_width": "initial"}, layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px"), ) self.dpd_dtype.observe(self.dpd_dtype_eventhandler, "value") self.input_rho_0 = ipw.FloatText( description="rho_0", layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px") ) self.input_exp = ipw.FloatText( description="exponent", layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px") ) self.input_v_0 = ipw.FloatText( description="v_0", layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px") ) self.input_value = ipw.FloatText( description="value", layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px") ) self.btn_calculate = ipw.Button( icon="calculator", description="Calculate Density", layout=ipw.Layout(width="300px"), ) self.btn_calculate.on_click(self.on_btn_calculate) self.uniform_box = ipw.HBox( [self.input_value, ipw.Label(value="g cm^3")] ) # Formula to compute density profile form_exp = ipw.HTMLMath( value=r"$$\rho = \rho_0 \times \exp \left( -\frac{v}{v_0} \right)$$", layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 0 100px"), ) form_pow = ipw.HTMLMath( value=r"$$\rho = \rho_0 \times \left( \frac{v}{v_0} \right)^n$$", layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 0 100px"), ) self.exp_box = ipw.VBox( [ form_exp, ipw.HBox([self.input_rho_0, ipw.Label(value="g cm^3")]), ipw.HBox([self.input_v_0, ipw.Label(value="km/s")]), ] ) self.pow_box = ipw.VBox( [ form_pow, ipw.HBox([self.input_rho_0, ipw.Label(value="g cm^3")]), ipw.HBox([self.input_v_0, ipw.Label(value="km/s")]), self.input_exp, ] )
[docs] def read_density(self): """Read density data in DataFrame to density input box when shell No. changes. """ dvalue =[self.shell_no].value self._trigger = False self.input_d.value = float("{:.3e}".format(dvalue)) self._trigger = True
[docs] def update_density_plot(self): """Update the density line in the plot.""" y = np.append([1:],[-1])[1].y = y
[docs] def input_d_eventhandler(self, obj): """Update the data and the widgets when the widget gets new density input. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ if self._trigger: new_value =[self.shell_no] = ( new_value * ) self.update_density_plot()
def input_d_time_0_eventhandler(self, obj): """Update density time 0 data when the widget gets new input. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ new_value = = new_value *
[docs] def input_d_time_0_eventhandler(self, obj): """Update density time 0 data when the widget gets new input. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. """ new_value = = new_value *
dtype_out = ipw.Output()
[docs] @dtype_out.capture(clear_output=True) def dpd_dtype_eventhandler(self, obj): """Display the input boxes of the specified density type. Triggered if the density type dropdown is changed. Parameters ---------- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch A dictionary holding the information about the change. Returns ------- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox A box widget that contains the input boxes of certain density type parameters. """ if == "uniform": display(self.uniform_box) elif == "exponential": display(self.exp_box) elif == "power_law": display(self.pow_box)
[docs] def on_btn_calculate(self, obj): """Calculate density according to density parameters input. Triggered if the density calculate button is clicked. Parameters ---------- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button The clicked button instance. """ dtype = self.dpd_dtype.value density = velocity = if dtype == "-": return if dtype == "uniform": if self.input_value.value == 0: return = ( self.input_value.value * density.unit * np.ones(len(density)) ) else: if self.input_v_0.value == 0 or self.input_rho_0.value == 0: return adjusted_velocity = velocity.insert(0, 0) v_middle = ( adjusted_velocity[1:] * 0.5 + adjusted_velocity[:-1] * 0.5 ) v_0 = self.input_v_0.value * velocity.unit rho_0 = self.input_rho_0.value * density.unit if dtype == "exponential": = calculate_exponential_density( v_middle, v_0, rho_0 ) elif dtype == "power_law": exponent = self.input_exp.value = calculate_power_law_density( v_middle, v_0, rho_0, exponent ) self.read_density() self.update_density_plot()
[docs] def display(self): """Display the GUI. Returns ------- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI. """ hint1 = ipw.HTML( value="<font size='3'>1) Edit density of the selected shell:</font>" ) hint2 = ipw.HTML( value="<font size='3'>2) Edit densities for all shells:</font>" ) d_box = ipw.HBox( [self.input_d, ipw.Label(value="g/cm^3")], layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 20px 0"), ) return ipw.VBox( [ self.input_d_time_0, hint1, d_box, hint2, self.dpd_dtype, self.dtype_out, self.btn_calculate, ] )