Source code for

# It is currently not possible to use scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid in
# numba. So here is my own implementation.
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange

from tardis.transport.montecarlo import njit_dict

[docs] @njit(**njit_dict) def numba_cumulative_trapezoid(f, x): """ Cumulatively integrate f(x) using the composite trapezoidal rule. Parameters ---------- f : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Input array to integrate. x : numpy.ndarray, dtype float The coordinate to integrate along. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, dtype float The result of cumulative integration of f along x """ integ = (np.diff(x) * (f[1:] + f[:-1]) / 2.0).cumsum() return integ / integ[-1]
[docs] @njit(**njit_dict) def cumulative_integrate_array_by_blocks(f, x, block_references): """ Cumulatively integrate a function over blocks. This function cumulatively integrates a function `f` defined at locations `x` over blocks given in `block_references`. Parameters ---------- f : numpy.ndarray, dtype float Input array to integrate. Shape is (N_freq, N_shells), where N_freq is the number of frequency values and N_shells is the number of computational shells. x : numpy.ndarray, dtype float The sample points corresponding to the `f` values. Shape is (N_freq,). block_references : numpy.ndarray, dtype int The start indices of the blocks to be integrated. Shape is (N_blocks,). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, dtype float Array with cumulatively integrated values. Shape is (N_freq, N_shells) same as f. """ n_rows = len(block_references) - 1 integrated = np.zeros_like(f) for i in prange(f.shape[1]): # columns # TODO: Avoid this loop through vectorization of cumulative_trapezoid for j in prange(n_rows): # rows start = block_references[j] stop = block_references[j + 1] integrated[start + 1 : stop, i] = numba_cumulative_trapezoid( f[start:stop, i], x[start:stop] ) return integrated