Source code for tardis.opacities.tau_sobolev

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy import units as u

from tardis import constants as const
from import ProcessingPlasmaProperty

        ((np.pi * const.e.gauss**2) / (const.m_e.cgs * const.c.cgs))
        * u.s

[docs] def calculate_sobolev_line_opacity( lines, level_number_density, time_explosion, stimulated_emission_factor, ): """ Calculates the Sobolev line opacity based on the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- lines : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing information about spectral lines. level_number_density : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with level number densities. time_explosion : astropy.units.Quantity Time since explosion. stimulated_emission_factor : float Factor for stimulated emission. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Calculated Sobolev line opacity values. Raises ------ ValueError If any calculated tau_sobolevs are nan or inf. Examples -------- >>> calculate_sobolev_line_opacity(lines_data, level_density_data, time_exp, stim_factor) """ tau_sobolevs = ( (lines.wavelength_cm * lines.f_lu).values[np.newaxis].T * SOBOLEV_COEFFICIENT * * stimulated_emission_factor * level_number_density.reindex(lines.droplevel(-1).index).values ) if np.any(np.isnan(tau_sobolevs)) or np.any(np.isinf(np.abs(tau_sobolevs))): raise ValueError( "Some tau_sobolevs are nan, inf, -inf in tau_sobolevs." " Something went wrong!" ) return pd.DataFrame( tau_sobolevs, index=lines.index, columns=np.array(level_number_density.columns), )
[docs] class TauSobolev(ProcessingPlasmaProperty): """ Attributes ---------- tau_sobolev : Pandas DataFrame, dtype float Sobolev optical depth for each line. Indexed by line. Columns as zones. """ outputs = ("tau_sobolevs",) latex_name = (r"\tau_{\textrm{sobolev}}",) latex_formula = ( r"\dfrac{\pi e^{2}}{m_{e} c}f_{lu}\lambda t_{exp}\ n_{lower} \Big(1-\dfrac{g_{lower}n_{upper}}{g_{upper}n_{lower}}\Big)", ) def __init__(self, plasma_parent): super(TauSobolev, self).__init__(plasma_parent) self.sobolev_coefficient = ( ( ((np.pi * const.e.gauss**2) / (const.m_e.cgs * const.c.cgs)) * * u.s /**3 ) .to(1) .value )
[docs] def calculate( self, lines, level_number_density, lines_lower_level_index, time_explosion, stimulated_emission_factor, f_lu, wavelength_cm, ): """ Calculate Sobolev line opacity. Calculates the Sobolev line opacity based on the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- lines : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing information about spectral lines. level_number_density : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with level number densities. time_explosion : astropy.units.Quantity Time since explosion. stimulated_emission_factor : float Factor for stimulated emission. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Calculated Sobolev line opacity values. Raises ------ ValueError If any calculated tau_sobolevs are nan or inf. Examples -------- >>> calculate_sobolev_line_opacity(lines_data, level_density_data, time_exp, stim_factor) """ f_lu = f_lu.values[np.newaxis].T wavelength = wavelength_cm.values[np.newaxis].T n_lower = level_number_density.values.take( lines_lower_level_index, axis=0, mode="raise" ) tau_sobolevs = ( self.sobolev_coefficient * f_lu * wavelength * time_explosion * n_lower * stimulated_emission_factor ) if np.any(np.isnan(tau_sobolevs)) or np.any( np.isinf(np.abs(tau_sobolevs)) ): raise ValueError( "Some tau_sobolevs are nan, inf, -inf in tau_sobolevs." " Something went wrong!" ) return pd.DataFrame( tau_sobolevs, index=lines.index, columns=np.array(level_number_density.columns), )